I'm a scavenger of old family photos and I finally got around to scanning some. I love this one of my dad. Not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. I'd like to make a family tree book of some sort...
I've been working on the cd package design for this awesome band Pompeii on Eyeball Records for awhile and it's almost done! I originally did a bunch of black and white drawings which I collaged together to make a long kind of adventure scene. It's a digipack layout and I just finished the colored art the other day, so here it is:
I took Jordin Isip for one of my senior project classes this spring. His friend Rich Jacobs curated this show "Don't Paint Your Teeth" at Cinders Gallery in Williamsburg. Every one in our class got to have a drawing in it. It's coming down tomorrow, so hurry and check it out! A lot of great artists and illustrators had drawings in it, it's neat!
I took a motion design branding class last semester. It was definitely a challenge for me, not knowing after effects and not being used to thinking in terms of "branding". One of our assignments was to create a bumper for coca cola, this is mine!